Equine Collection Testimonials

"We use the gnat spray on 7 horses. When the body workers are working on a horse, they use the spray directly by itself so the oils don't get on their hands and equipment. They love it. The other uses are a mix of Jack's Gnat spray with a little citronella added for oil base and stronger long-lasting in turnout. Love it either way. I spray it on my legs daily to prevent bites from mosquitoes and flies."

- Maui V.

"My wife loved it from the moment she laid eyes on it.  Almost used a whole bottle spraying the chicken coop, chickens, pigs and all. She liked and agreed to the ingredients.

Billy A. 10/10/2022 

Ball Ground, GA


We have had very good results using Jacks Gnat Attack Equine Fly Spray.  All natural, MADE IN THE USA.Excellent customer service.  Yes it does cost a bit more, and the horses smell like vinegar but.... it actually does work.  Not all day long, but sure gives them a longer period of relief....

- Tina Tilford.....South Dakota

I'm making a post about this particular spray.  We were able to try some & give some pretty great feedback.  Being in north Florida on a farm that is currently battling mosquitos- this stuff has been a complete standout.  Even so much as we use it on ourselves as well as the horses.  It works about as well as anything else on the flies so that (is) definitely a plus too, but I can now go outside in the evening and avoid getting bit up.  Plus it's made with all natural ingredients and doesn't leave a residue on your skin or your horses- no skin peeling or oil burns!  Try this spray.  It's worth it.

*Disclaimer- we are not affiliated with this company, just satisfied and surprised customers.

- AC___Equine LLC


“It initially worked very well. It worked much better than the other product of flyspray that I was using. I didn’t have any of the big horse flys land on the horses for an hour after use. It was great knowing that I was putting good stuff, not strange chemicals, on my horse and that I was actually helping their skin issues while keeping the flys off all with one easy spray.”

-  Emily M.

"I love this potion, it’s like no other and being water based it makes an effective spray for on any spot on your horse without leaving an oily residue that builds up grime.  It also works effectively for many different uses on dogs and humans alike  - I witnessed how it stopped in its tracks a pesky skin irritation on my neighbor’s small dog in 3 days!  And, having my own allergy to fire ant bites I am now a loyal user of Jack’s natural insect repellent.  It stopped and healed the itchy fire ant bites I got on my stomach in the fastest time ever!”

Nancy Baroody, 8 time Usef Horse of the Year Champion, and Hall of Fame Equines

“Your product is the best the girls have ever used on their horses. They are ecstatic about the results.”

- John V., Maui

“Your spray seems to work well keeping the house flies and gnats away from the horse’ eyes.”

- Doug K., Ocala, FL

“Aloha Jack, So I havent yet tried on the dogs but will. For the horses i use it in a spray bottle and also just liquid applies by hand. I wipe the legs, face and belly with it in my hands. I also use it now as a flyspray to get rid of the gnats. Works awesome.”

- Virginia, Maui

“I put it on twice a day if the bugs are bad that day. I feel it works the best out of all the products I have tried for over 40 years. I use it on myself and the dogs too. I think it is amazing bug spray and helps the  condition of the horses skin and coat too. Now I am hooked on it over citranilla.”